Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chain Gang

Four volunteers are needed to be the chain gang at the four home 9th grade football games.  Contact Mrs. Lansing in the HS office if interested.

Volleyball Scoreboard

Volunteers are needed to help Tues. Sept. 6th and Thurs. Sept. 8th with the scoreboard at the home junior high volleyball games.  Volunteers should be there by 4pm.  If interested, contact Mr. Carver.

Mobile Food Pantry

Silver cord help is needed on Saturday Sept. 3rd for the mobile food pantry.  Helpers need to be at First Lutheran Church, 920 East 3rd Street, at 8:30am.  The pantry ends about 11:30.  Help is needed to unloaded the truck, distribute food items, and clean up.  Donuts provided!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Open House Assistance

Silver Cord volunteers are needed August 23rd at the Crestwood Elementary/Junior High Building from 9am to 6pm to assist parents with online registrations, finding classrooms, and answering questions.  Volunteers may work all or part of the time.  Contact Michelle Bakken at mbakken@howard-winn.k12.ia.us if interested.