Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Concession Stand Help

The Crestwood All-Sports Booster Club is looking for volunteers for the concession stand on Tuesday Sept 24th 8th grade football starting at 4pm. Text Ashley at 563-203-0191 if you can help!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

MS Volleyball Help

Mr. Wedemeier is looking for up to 4 responsible individuals who can be trusted to run the scoreboard and "keep book" for MS volleyball games. The needed dates are below. Email Mr. Wedemeier if you are interested. September 10 8th w/ New Hampton September 12 7th w/ Waukon September 17 8th w/ Decorah September 24 7th w/ Charles City September 26 8th w/ Waukon September 30 8th Grade w/ SF October 1 7th w/ New Hampton October 3 8th w/ Charles City October 8 7th w/ Decorah

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

YSF Concession Stand Help

The Youth Football Organizers are looking for students wanting to earn Silver Cord hours during our 3 home YSF games helping in the concession stand. They need assistance on the following dates and times. 

September 22 1:00-4:00

September 29 1:00-4:00

October 13 1:00-4:00

They can work the entire shift or half of it. 

If you are interested in helping, reach out to Heather O'Brien at 641-229-6812.